Every home sale involves costs. Sellers and buyers customarily split these costs, as the real estate sales contract specifies.
Many of the costs associated with buying a home are associated with getting a mortgage loan. At Team USA Mortgage, we are highly experienced in mortgage lending, so we can provide you with a comprehensive report on mortgage-related closing costs in your "Loan Estimate".
Very shortly after you submit your application, we will provide you with a "Loan Estimate" of your closing costs. The closing cost estimate comes from our past experience. It's important to note that while our LEs are very accurate, we can't always predict your costs to the penny. We handle questions about these costs every day at Team USA Mortgage, so don't hesitate to ask if we can help answer your questions.
We've provided a general list of these costs below, but we will provide you a specific list of closing costs, with amounts, soon after you have completed your loan application. At Team USA Mortgage, we don't believe in surprises, so if your costs change, we will be sure to let you know immediately.
Points — A fee paid to lower your interest rate (optional)
Appraisal Costs
Getting Your Credit Report
Interest Payment
Escrow Fees
Various Taxes
Loan-related costs
Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)
Title Insurance
Flood or Quake Insurance if applicable